
Aliena – Specialised advice centre for women in the sex business
Opening hours
Monday | 09 to 16 hrs |
Tuesday | 09 to 16 hrs |
Wednesday | 09 to 16 hrs |
Thursday | 09 to 16 hrs |
Friday | 09 to 15 hrs |
Emergency room, Notfallzentrum Universitätsspital Basel, Petersgraben 2, 4031 Basel
Emergency gynaecology, Porte Klinikum 1, Spitalstrasse 21, 4031 Basel
Psychiatric emergency, Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27, 4056 Basel, +41 61 325 51 00
Emergency pharmacy, Petersgraben 3, 4051 Basel, +41 61 263 75 75
Medical Emergency Hotline, Medizinische Notrufzentrale +41 61 261 15 15
Ambulance 144
General: Police 117
Help and protection for victims of human traffickingd Schutz für Betroffene von Menschenhandel:
- Victras, Opferschutz-Einheit und Fachstelle Menschenhandel, Gewaltbetroffene, +41 44 585 35 45
- FIZ Opferschutz Menschenhandel, +41 44 436 90 00, WhatsApp: +41 76 596 15 63
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